Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Photo of the Week: Snowy Hogsmeade

If I had my choice of anywhere I could be at Christmastime, I would choose a a magical day marveling at the Hogwart’s Great Hall Christmas tree after a big breakfast, strolling the streets of Hogsmeade, drinking butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, and wrapping the day up with a visit to Hagrid’s hut. I know, I know, this isn’t a very realistic dream, but I’ve always thought Harry Potter’s world would be the perfect Christmas location. Continuing with my previous Hogwarts Castle photo post, I wanted to share a photo I took at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, Orlando. I went there for my high school graduation, and it felt like my dreams of entering Harry’s world were coming true. I could have done without the extreme Florida heat and excessive crowds, but the experience was thrilling. What I love about this picture is the snow-topped Hogsmeade roofs. If snow was really there it would be have melted in an instant (I could have used some real snow to cool off!) but the feature made it feel so real and truly magical. All that was missing was a snowy owl and a sweater made by Mrs. Weasley.

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